This circuit allows you to reach the Puna ecoregion and the Flamingos in a short distance form the city. All tree species of flamingos can be seen in the Lagoon “Laguna del Toro” inside of a wonderfull. The conectionn betwen the city and this place its the Toro Gorge used also by the famous Train to the Clouds, a good oportunity to admire this major engineering feat
After an interesting birding in the shore of the Campo Alegre lake, surrounded by mountains, we continue the trip following the old Rute 9 crossing the lush vegetation of the Yungas Jungle.
A diverse itinerary, passing through an area of forest that contrasts later with a colorful pre-Puna lined by cardones, and reaching a fascinating view of the high altitude grasslands where condors captivate with their flight.
Walking along the old pathway that used to conect the central valley with the Calchaqui Valley will show us an interesting combination of transtition yungas with a mountain stream, hábitat of the amazing Torrent Duck and Rufous-Throated Dipper